61. A. Li, Z. Du, S. Zhang, J. Xie, X. Li, Q. Chen, Y. Tang, J. Chen, and K. Zhu*, A Compact Chemically Driven [2]Catenane Rotary Motor Operated through Alternate Pumping and Discharging, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 14721-14725

60. X. Li, Z. Du, Y. Liu, Q. Chen, J. Xie* and K. Zhu*, Bowl-in-bowl encapsulation of corannulene by herteroatom-bridged nanobelts, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2024, 110249

59. Q. Chen, M. Lin, X. Li, Z. Du, Y. Liu, Y. Tang, Y. Yan* and K. Zhu*, Fabrication of Azacrown Ether-Embedded Covalent Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Cathode Performance in Aqueous Ni-Zn Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202407575

58. Y. Liu, S. Wang, J. Xie, Zhe. Du, Q. Chen, X. Li*, K. Zhu*, Engineering Nanobelt Structure via Sulphur and Oxygen Doping: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Complexation with Fullerenes, Chem. Asian J. 2024, e202400626

57. Q. Chen, K. Zhu*, Advancements and strategic approaches in catenane synthesis, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53, 5677 - 5703

56. Z. Du, J. Xie, Y. Liu, Y. Tang, Q. Chen, Xia Li* and K. Zhu*, A p-extended molecular belt with selective binding capability for fullerene C70, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 6387–6390

55. Houyang Xu, Kelong Zhu*, 基于咪唑盐与冠醚的超分子识别体系与机械互锁分子, 中国科学: 化学, 2023, 53(12): 2509–2522

54. Z. Lu, W. Lv, H. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Liao, X. Wang, and Kelong Zhu*, ProBox: A Rigid yet Dynamic Cyclophane Capable of Adaptive and Redox-Switchable Host−Guest Binding, Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 3508−3511

53. M. Lin, L. Bian, Q. Chen, H. Xu, Z. Liu, and Kelong Zhu*, Cyclization of an Achiral Flipping Panel to Homochiral Tubes Exhibiting Circularly Polarized Luminescence, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202303035.

52. Z. Lu, H. Liu, X. Lv, W. Lv, Y. Liu, K. Zhu*, Molecular Hinges by Fusion of Pyrrole and Dithiin: Synthesis, Structure, Redox Chemistry and Host–Guest Complexation of Dipyrrolo-1,4-dithiins, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202300101

51. W. Lv, Y. Song, X. Lv, J. Yuan, K. Zhu*, Synthesis, structure, and host-guest chemistry of a pair of isomeric selenanthrene-bridged molecular cages, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2023, 34, 108179

50. J. Xie, X. Li, Z. Du, Y. Liu, K. Zhu*, C–H⋯S Hydrogen Bond Assisted Supramolecular Encapsulation of Fullerenes with Nanobelts, CCS Chem. 2023, 5, 958–970

49. X. Li, J. Xie, Z. Du, R. Yu, J. Jia, Z. Chen*, and Kelong Zhu*, 2D and 3D metal–organic frameworks constructed with a mechanically rigidified [3]rotaxane ligand, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 5829-5832

48. X. Li, J. Xie, Z. Du, L. Jiang, G. Li, S. Ling* and K. Zhu*, Docking rings in a solid: reversible assembling of pseudorotaxanes inside a zirconium metal–organic framework, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 6291-6296

47. A. Li, Z. Tan, Y. Hu, Z. Lu, J. Yuan, X. Li, J. Xie, J. Zhang*, and K. Zhu*, Precise Control of Radial Catenane Synthesis via Clipping and Pumping, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c12303

46. J. Yuan, Y. Song, X. Li, J. Xie, S. Dong, K. Zhu*, A Tubular Belt and a Möbius Strip with Dynamic Joints: Synthesis, Structure and Host-guest Chemistry, Org. Lett., 2021, 23, 9554−9558

45. J. Yuan, W. Lv, A. Li, K. Zhu*, A Self-assembled M2L2 Truncated Square and its Application as a Container for Fullerenes, Chem. Commun., 2021, 12848–12851

44. S. Wang, J. Yuan, J. Xie, Z. Lu, L. Jiang, Y. Mu*, Y. Huo, Y. Tsuchido, K. Zhu*, Sulphur-Embedded Hydrocarbon Belts: Synthesis, Structure and Redox Chemistry of Cyclothianthrenes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 18443–18447.

43. H. Xu, M. Lin, J. Yuan, B. Zhou, Y. Mu, Y. Huo, K. Zhu*, “Fluorescence emission enhancement of a T- shaped benzimidazole with a mechanically-interlocked ‘suit’”, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 3239–3242.

42. G. Gholami, B. H. Wilson, K. Zhu, C. A. O’Keefe, R. W. Schurko* and Stephen J. Loeb*, “Exploring the dynamics of Zr-based metal–organic frameworks containing mechanically interlocked molecular shuttles”, Faraday Discuss., 2021, 225, 358–370.

41. A. J. Stirk, B. H. Wilson, C. A. O’Keefe, H. Amarne, K. Zhu, R. W. Schurko, S. J. Loeb*, “Applying reticular synthesis to the design of Cu-based MOFs with mechanically interlocked linkers”, Nano Res., 2021, 14, 417–422.

40. J. Xie, X. Li, S. Wang, A. Li, L. Jiang*, K. Zhu*, “Heteroatom-bridged molecular belts as containers”, Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, article number: 3348

39. K. Zhu and J. Loeb*, “A hydrogen-bonded polymer constructed from mechanically interlocked, suit[1]ane monomers”, Can. J. Chem.; 2020, 98, 285–291.

38. Y. Hou, Z. Zhang, S. Lu, J. Yuan, Q. Zhu, W. Chen, S. Li, X. Li, Y. Zheng, K. Zhu, M. Zhang*, “Highly Emissive Perylene Diimide-Based Metallacages and Their Host–Guest Chemistry for Information Encryption”, J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2020, 142, 18763–18768

37. P. Martinez-Bulit, C. A. O’Keefe, K. Zhu, R. W. Schurko* and S. J. Loeb*, “Solvent and Steric Influences on Rotational Dynamics in Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks with Mechanically Interlocked Pillars”, Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 5679–5685

36. K. Zhu*, G. Baggi, S. J. Loeb*, “Ring-through-ring molecular shuttling in a saturated [3]rotaxane”, Nat. Chem., 2018, 10, 625–630. (Highlighted by Nature and RSC ChemistryWorld)

35. V. N. Vukotic, K. Zhu*, G. Baggi, S. J. Loeb*, “Optical Distinction between “Slow” and “Fast” Translational Motion in Degenerate Molecular Shuttles”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 129, 6232–6237.

34. K. Zhu*, G. Baggi, V. N. Vukotic, S. J. Loeb*, “Reversible mechanical protection: building a 3D “suit” around a T-shaped benzimidazole axle”, Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3898–3904. (Highlighted by RSC ChemistryWorld)

33. G. Gholami, K. Zhu*, G. Baggi, E. Schott, X. Zarated, S. J. Loeb*, "Influence of axle length on the rate and mechanism of shuttling in rigid H-shaped [2]rotaxanes", Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 7718–7723.

32. G. Gholami, G. Baggi, K. Zhu*, S. J. Loeb*, "Formation of metal-organic frameworks utilizing a mechanically interlocked, hexadentate linker containing a tetra-carboxylate axle and a bis(pyridine) wheel", Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 2462–2470.

31. K. Zhu*, V. N. Vukotic, S. J. Loeb*, "Acid-Base Switchable [2]Rotaxane and [3]Rotaxane Molecular Shuttles with Benzimidazolium and Bis(pyridinium) Recognition Sites", Chem. Asian J., 2016, 11, 3258–3266.

Publications Prior to SYSU
30. G. Gholami, K. Zhu, S. J. Loeb*, “Formation of a Poly-Threaded Metal-Organic Framework Utilizing an Interlocked Hexadentate, Carboxylate Linker”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 27, 4524–4529.
29. N. Farahani, K. Zhu, C. A. O’Keefe, R. W. Schurko*, S. J. Loeb*, “Thermally Driven Dynamics of a Rotaxane Wheel about an Imidazolium Axle inside a Metal-Organic Framework”, ChemPlusChem, 2016, 81, 836–841.
28. N. Farahani, K. Zhu, S. J. Loeb*, "Rigid, Bistable Molecular Shuttles Combining T-Shaped Benzimidazolium and Y-shaped Imidazolium Recognition Sites", ChemPhysChem, 2016, 17, 1875–1880.
27. E. Viljoen, K. Zhu, S. J. Loeb*, “From Binuclear Complexes to Molecular Necklaces: Incorporating Flexible Ligands into Rotaxanes”, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 7479–7484.
26. K. Zhu, C. A. O'Keefe, V. N. Vukotic, R. W. Schurko, S. J. Loeb*, “A Molecular Shuttle that Operates Inside a Metal-Organic Framework”, Nat. Chem., 2015, 7, 514–519. (Highlighted by Nature and C&EN News)
25. V. N. Vukotic, C. A. O’Keefe, K. Zhu, K. J. Harris, C. To, R. W. Schurko*, and S. J. Loeb* "Mechanically Interlocked Linkers inside Metal–Organic Frameworks: Effect of Ring Size on Rotational Dynamics", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 9643–9651.
24. I. Elguraish, K. Zhu, L. A. Hernandez, H. Amarne, J. Luo, V. N. Vukotic, Stephen J. Loeb*, “Assembly of a M4L4 “folded-cube” using a T-shaped, right-angled ligand”, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 898–902.
23. K. Zhu, V. N. Vukotic, C. A. O'Keefe, R. W. Schurko, S. J. Loeb*, “Metal-Organic Frameworks with Mechanically Interlocked Pillars: Controlling Ring Dynamics in the Solid-State via a Reversible Phase Change”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 7403–7409.
22. N. Farahani, K. Zhu, N. Noujeim, S. J. Loeb*, “[2]Pseudorotaxane Formation between Rigid Y-shaped 2,4,5- triphenylimidazolium Axles and [24]Crown-8 Ether Wheels”, Org. Bio. Chem., 2014, 12, 4824–4827.
21. C. B. Caputo, K. Zhu, V. N. Vukotic, S. J. Loeb*, D. W. Stephan*, “Heterolytic Activation of H2 Using a Mechanically Interlocked Molecule as a Frustrated Lewis Base”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 960–963. (Front Cover)
20. V. N. Vukotic, K. J. Harris, K. Zhu, R. W. Schurko, S. J. Loeb*, “Metal–Organic Frameworks with Dynamic Interlocked Components”, Nat. Chem., 2012, 4, 456–460. (Front Cover)
19. K. Zhu, V. N. Vukotic, S. J. Loeb*, “Molecular Shuttling of a Compact and Rigid, H-Shaped [2]Rotaxane”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 2168–2172.
18. K. Zhu, V. N. Vukotic, N. Noujeim, S. J. Loeb*, “Bis(benzimidazolium) axles and crown ether wheels: a versatile templating pair for the formation of [2]rotaxane molecular shuttles, Chem. Sci., 2012, 3, 3265–3271.
17. N. Noujeim, K. Zhu, V. N. Vukotic, S. J. Loeb*, “[2]Pseudorotaxanes from T-Shaped Benzimidazolium Axles and [24]Crown-8 Wheels” Org. Lett., 2012, 14, 2484–2487.
16. D. J. Mercer, J. Yacoub, K. Zhu, S. K. Loeb, S. J. Loeb*, “[2]Pseudorotaxanes, [2]rotaxanes and metal– organic rotaxane frameworks containing tetra-substituted dibenzo[24]crown-8 wheels”, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 6094–6104.
15. X. Ji, K. Zhu, X. Yan, Y. Ma, J. Li, B. Hu, Y. Yu, F. Huang*, “pH-Responsive Supramolecular Polymerization in Aqueous Media Driven by Electrostatic Attraction-Enhanced Crown Ether-Based Molecular Recognition” Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2012, 33, 1197–1202.
14. K. Zhu, L. Wu, X. Yan, B. Zheng, M. Zhang, F. Huang*, “Anion-Assisted Complexation of Paraquat by Cryptands Based on Bis(m-phenylene)-32-crown-10”, Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 6088–6098.
13. M. Zhang, K. Zhu, F. Huang*, “Improved Complexation of Paraquat Drivatives by the Formation of Crown Ether-based Cryptands”, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 8131–8141. (Feature article)
12. F. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Ding, S. Dong, M. Liu, B. Zheng, S. Li, K. Zhu, L. Wu, Y. Yu, H. W. Gibson, F. Huang*, “Metal-Coordination-Mediated Reversible Conversion between Linear and Crosslinked Supramolecular Polymers” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 1090–1094.
11. M. Zhang, B. Zheng, B. Xia, K. Zhu, C. Wu, F. Huang*, “Synthesis of A Bis(1,2,3-phenylene) Cryptand and Its Dual-Responsive Binding to Paraquat and Diquat”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 6804–6809.
10. K. Zhu, J. He, S. Li, M. Liu, F. Wang, M. Zhang, Z. Abliz, H. Yang, N. Li, F. Huang*, “Synthesis of Bis(m- Phenylene)-32-crown-10-Based Discrete Rhomboids Driven by Metal-Coordination and Complexation with Paraquat”, J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 3905–3912.
9. K. Zhu, S. Li, F. Wang, F. Huang*, “Anion-controlled Ion-pair Recognition of Paraquat by A Bis(m- Phenylene)-32-crown-10 Derivative Heteroditopic Host”, J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 1322–1328.
8. S. Li, K. Zhu, B. Zheng, X. Wen, N. Li, F. Huang*, “A Bis(m-Phenylene)-32-crown-10/ Paraquat Derivative [2]Rotaxane”, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2009, 1053–1057.
7. F. Wang, B. Zheng, K. Zhu, Q. Zhou, C. Zhai, S. Li, N. Li, F. Huang*, Formation of Linear Main Chain Polypseudorotaxanes with Supramolecular Polymer Backbones via Two Self Sorting Host-Guest Recognition Motifs”, Chem. Comm., 2009, 4375–4377.
6. S. Li, M. Liu, B. Zheng, K. Zhu, F. Wang, N. Li, X. Zhao, F. Huang*, “Taco Complex Templated Syntheses of a Cryptand/Paraquat [2]Rotaxane and [2]Catenane by Olefin Metathesis”, Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 3350–3353.
5. F. Wang, Q. Zhou, K. Zhu, S. Li, C. Wang, M. Liu, N. Li, F. R. Fronczek, F. Huang*, “Efficient Syntheses of Bis(m-Phenylene)-26-crown-8-Based Cryptand/Paraquat [2]Rotaxanes by Immediate Solvent Evaporation Method”, Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 1488–1494.
4. K. Zhu, M. Zhang, F. Wang, N. Li, S. Li, F. Huang*, “Improved Complexation between Dibenzo-24-crown-8 Derivatives and Dibenzylammonium Salts by Ion-pair Recognition”, New J. Chem., 2008, 32, 1827–1830.
3. C. Zhang, K. Zhu, S. Li, J. Zhang, F. Wang, M. Liu, N. Li, F. Huang*, “Binding of Secondary Dialkylammonium Salts by Pyrido-21-crown-7”, Tetrahedron Lett., 2008, 49, 6917–6920.
2. C. Zhang, S. Li, J. Zhang, K. Zhu, N. Li, F. Huang*, “Benzo-21-crown-7/Dialkylammonium Salt [2]Pseudorotaxane- and [2]Rotaxane-type Threaded Structures”, Org. Lett., 2007, 9, 5553–5556.
1. X. Zhang, C. Zhai, N. Li, M. Liu, S. Li, K. Zhu, J. Zhang, F. Huang*, H. W. Gibson, “Host Size Effect in the Complexation of Two Bis(m-phenylene)-32-crown-10-Based Cryptands with a Diazapyrenium Salt”, Tetrahedron Lett. 2007, 48, 7537–7541.